A stage persona has to be ostentatious, conspicuous, and most of all have some sort of vague science fiction background, craft, customize these, and more even the size and trim of your boots.Fox and Rushmore, Michael Johnston, and Mark Strong. Starring the extraordinary voice performances of Carl Weathers, Lena Headey most known in her work on the game of thrones, Jason Schwartzman most known in his work Fantastic Mr.

Soon he will make his debut performance, in order to make sure that it’s a success Francis undergoes a psychedelic adventure to manifest a new stage persona, search for who he isn’t in melodic alien landscapes, stolen opera houses, and the infinite depth of the cosmic extraordinary. Francis Vendetti is a young up-and-coming musician struggling to find his voice, partly due to the fact that his uncle is a musician himself a legend of the folk scene, he feels that his uncles’ legacy will always overshadow his accomplishments.